Looking for ideas to earn extra money online can be hard work and sometimes very frustrating and confusing, especially if you are a beginner to the online world. Affiliate Marketing is the best way for a newbie to get started. Now you are probably wondering what is affiliate marketing and can I make money doing it online?
Believe it or not, there are still many people today who are not very computer literate and have difficulty even checking their email, if you are one of those people it may be hard for you to imagine being able to make money online, but it is possible if you have these three things; a computer with a connection to the internet, the will to learn, and a step by step plan to get you started.
There are several reasons why people look for ideas to earn extra money online much like the reason you are here right now. Whether it’s to buy new shoes for their children, to further their education, or to become financially stable; they all have a need to make it happen.? What most of these people have in common is they don’t know how to get started.
So, let me break it down for you. Have you ever heard of article marketing, or you may recognize the term bum marketing; which was bought to life by Travis Sago? He is one of the most successful internet marketers online today, and the reason he calls it bum marketing is that this type of marketing is absolutely free, so even a bum could do it.
I know you’re probably thinking yeah right, but it really is true!
The concept behind affiliate marketing is to promote other people’s products. The products you will be promoting are usually digital ones, meaning the customer can immediately download them after the purchase. Another great thing that happens after the purchase is you get paid, that’s right; once the sale is made you collect up to 75% of the profit.
So, what is affiliate marketing? If you ask me it sounds like the end of your search for ways to make money online and the beginning of a bright new future.