1.#Quality Content:

We all know that quality content is the king and SEO is queen. So without King queen is nothing that’s mean Without quality content SEO is Nothing.. While there are ways to try and confuse google, the reality is nothing will beat great original content. Remember to create web content for readers, make it something special they would want to share it to others.so try to create innovative, Fresh, non-duplicate content which will boost your SEO performance more Than 200%.You should also avoid Duplicate, unnecessary, huge grammatical error content.

2.#Keyword Research:

You have to find out how people would search your post or content.you can start with  keyword research tools like “Keyword Discovery”,”Raven SEO” and “Linkdex”..People don’t search same,there are some variant and the most searched keyword is 1-2 word phases which people like most.

1-2 phases Keyword- There are low conversion but high cost and high competition are available.So SEO friendly.

More Descriptive phases Keyword- There are high conversion but low cost and low competition are available.So it is not totally SEO friendly.

Search before add keyword how many people search for a specific terms.Add 2-3 short tails and 1-2 longtails keyword on a post so that it covers all The possible types of search.

Exam:- when you try to search about SEO then you will possibly see those terms “why seo is important” or “Seo Tips” or “Seo terms” or “killer tips for seo”etc..then you should have to add all those keyword on your post so that your post will able to get  your search visitors.

  3.#Keyword Domain:-

After find out what terms people search then try to get a related web address. Short key for your web address is highly recommended ..The mostly recommended domain address is .com because of ,people normally search .com site in search engine.. So you will have to choose .com domain for your web address which can boost your SEO score.. When people search a terms and then if they see  a domain name which related to their terms ,they want to  go for it.. So Always remember to create a related terms domain with related keyword.

  4.#Appropriate Platform: Wordpress

There are many way to build your site like WordPress, Blogger, Joomla, Drupal etc. However ,if you are looking for user ,SEO and google friendly web builder then you should go for WordPress. WordPress is the best Content Management System to use to build your website! The great things about WordPress is it’s plugin, Quality theme(clean and fresh) ,ease of use ,attraction for SEO ,easy to monetize, Setting is inexpensive, Safety Security, Free Upgradation, cross communication, flexible.

5.#SEO Plugin

SEO Plugin for WordPress offers you  to optimize your site and Get more visitors to your WordPress site!. One of the best thing about WordPress is you can add various function very easy through the help of plugins. In SEO terms, SEO Plugins Behave as commander. So without commander, There is no existence of  a armament. So SEO plugin are the most important for a WordPress..

6.#Niche and Design

A niche says a thousands of word about your site. Niche is one  another important for your site and SEO. Using of right niche boost your site. Don’t try to confuse Search engine using wrong niche. If you are writing about Technology then use “Tech Niche” or are you in health then use “Health niche” or for shopping site use “E-Commerce”…Choose a theme or niche which is so fresh and cool like Genesis Framework which is fresh, clear and eye catching.. Turns your niche with eye catching design that visitors easily like your site.. Don’t use a ugly design theme..


If you have some downtime, built quality link to your quality content. So collect some high quality site list like .com,.org,.edu etc.. you can get high quality backlink using “Comment Luv” users site or “.Edu” domain site.. Visit those site and drop a quality comment with your site link. Thus you can built lot of quality backlink.

8.#Social Media

For every piece of content you create make sure you blast it to your social sites. Social media will not only help with SEO, it can directly boost your traffic. The Best social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Reddit, LinkedIn. Those sites give you thousands of visitors. So create account of those sites  ,engage with others through social media ,share your quality content, get tons of visitors from social media and get help to   improving your sites.


A permalink is a link to an individual web post. These are important because if you want to link to a exactly web entry then you should use permalink as your weblink. it’s also a link that another we blogger will use to link to your post. It helps to getting more visitors and helps to improve SEO score. create a permalink as “http://mybloggingtech.com/2014/post-name/”..Make sure that your permalinks include post tittles and choose a custom Structure /%post-name%/

10.#Update your Site

This is another important portion of SEO. If you don’t update or post anything a long time then your SEO Score will fall down and traffic also down for your site. If you will update your site properly then you will get more traffic and also SEO will increase. Search Engine will confuse  if you will  not post anything for the longtime and visitors thinks that the sites owner are not interest about his visitors problem. Thus a lot of daily and irregular visitor just leave your site. So upload minimum 2-3 post in a week on your blog to stay tuned in the web. Drop a proper feedback of your visitors quarries and help them to solve their problem.


JayFoli Official

I created this blog site to help those who are seeking legitimate ways to make money online from home or anywhere! I love to motivate others to be successful in whatever they do!


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Jayfoli Official

I created this blog site to help those who are seeking legitimate ways to make money online from home or anywhere! I love to motivate others to be successful in whatever they do!

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